Bruno Tiribilli graduated in physics at the University of Florence in 1985, with a thesis on holographic moirè topography. In 1989 he became optics specialist at the post graduated School of Optics. In 1987, he joined Officine Galileo as system engineer of the Space Department, where he was responsible of the design and construction of optoelectronic systems for satellite attitude sensors, among them the Quadrant Star Sensor (QSS) for the ISO (Infrared Space Observatory) spacecraft for ESA. In 1990 he became a researcher at National Institute of Optics, his activities concerned the design and realization of optical instruments for scientific and industrial application. He was involved in several international collaboration and two European projects. (BRE2-CT92-239 “Non Contact real time defect detection during the manufacturing of a structured fabric” - ODILE, 1993-1996; BRPR-CT97-0372 “On -Line Quality Control, Production Process Tracking System for Mechanical Parts” - SMARTMEC, 1997-2000) From 1999 his activity deals with scanning probe microscopes and confocal microscopy. He took part to the design and realization of instruments in AFM and SNOM configuration. In this period Tiribilli is involved in the “Biophotonic Lab”, a jointed project between University of Florence and the National Institute of Optics, where a scanning probe microscopy and confocal laser microscopy are applied to the study of biological systems. In this period he was involved in several interdisciplinary studies in close collaboration with biologist and physicians and gained strong experience in the AFM observation of biological samples like protein aggregate, cells and tissues. Since 2005 he is a researcher at the ISC-CNR Institute for Complex Systems. Here he started a collaboration concerning the study of sigle molecule force spectroscopy on proteins and the development of SPM devoted instrumentation. Tiribilli has been supervisor of many master and PhD students, in biology, physics and engineering, at the University of Florence. He has been visiting professor at the University of Cape Coast (Ghana), at the ENS Lion (France) and at the University of Liverpool (UK). In the last years his activity mainly concerns the design and development of scanning probe techniques, the use of AFM instrumentation for investigation of biological samples and the development of AFM derived sensors like cantilever-based mass sensors or micro-viscosimeter.

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